The council and executive of SASA are elected by members in good standing during the Annual General Meeting held as part of the annual SASA Congress.
SASA members in good standing, please download the Nomination form here.
Procedures for Election of SASA Executive and Council Members
- The SASA shall, at its Annual General Meetings, elect a new Executive Committee and Council using secret ballot and/or show of hands.
- The Executive Committee, as stipulated in the SASA Constitution, shall be comprised of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary and the Treasurer. The Council shall be comprised of a maximum of eight members plus two student representatives and ex officio members as stipulated in Article 5 section E of the SASA constitution.
- The first round of voting shall be for Executive Committee members followed by the voting of Council members. The voting of Council members shall start with voting of non-student representatives and then followed by voting of student representatives.
- Only duly nominated candidates shall stand for election to both the Executive and the Council.
- The call for nominations must be circulated three months prior to the SASA AGM.
- The call for nominations shall be released by the secretary through the SASA listserve.
- Existing nominations must be posted on the notice board of the conference 48 hours prior to the SASA AGM.
- Submissions of nominations must be with the nominees’ consent.
- Only fully-paid up SASA members shall be eligible for nomination, to nominate as well as to vote during elections.
- Nominations from the floor shall be taken for both Executive and Council members.
- Candidates must receive majority of the votes cast.
- If on the first round of voting, no candidate for the Executive receives majority votes, there shall be a further round of voting, a vote being held between the two candidates having received the largest number of votes.
- Where there is a tie, all persons tied for the place shall be eligible for the next round of voting.
- The Secretary or Vice-President of the outgoing Executive shall serve as electoral officer to administer the voting process as well as count the ballots.
- However, where either or both the Secretary or the Vice-President are candidates for election into the new Executive and Council, any two members of the out-going Council may be requested to administer as well as to count ballots.