The South African Review of Sociology SARS

South African Review of Sociology

South African Sociological Association Members Register

See the verified accurate list of all current members of the South African Sociological Association.



SASA Ad Hoc committees and Special PortfoliosSASA's critical committees are its executive, council and working groups. However, from time to time, ad hoc committees are appointed. The below are for the purpose of record, whether or not a committee has completed its work. SASA Virtual Office UJ Department of Sociology [email protected]

The South African sociological community put aside past divisions in order to establish a new joint association in 1993. Constituted through a merger of the former Association for Sociologists in Southern Africa (ASSA) and the Suid-Afrikaanse Sosiologie Vereniging (SASOV), the newly established South African Sociological Association set itself three main goals, ie to promote the

The South African Sociological Association is committed to a democratic South Africa, where all enjoy economic, political and social justice and freedom from all forms of discrimination on the basis of religion, nationality, race and gender.  SASA was established in 1993 in order to: promote the discipline and the profession of sociology; promote research, teaching and debate about

PREAMBLE The South African Sociological Association is committed to a democratic South Africa, where all enjoy economic, political and social justice and freedom from all forms of discrimination on the basis of religion, nationality, race and gender. The Association is also committed to the promotion of sociological scholarship, research, academic freedom, social ethics and community